2024 / 11 / 16
As Tears Go By (Download)
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Unknown
Roland CS-10EM -> Roland R-07 -> iZotope Ozone 11

Source: @rosie.j.photography
"Trans rights!"
It's only been 2 months since this band played their first gig and, to my ear, they're already shaping up to be one of the best bands in Sydney. I don't think they really bring anything new to the table, but with the chops they have, they really don't need to. I watched their inagural gig online, hoping that they could deliver like that when the time came to see them, and I (obviously) wasn't disappointed.
I ended up getting one of Sammy's handmade solo CDs, which I still haven't listened to yet, but if her past stuff on her youtube is any indicator, I'm sure it'll be great.

Watch the show on bskiproductions here.
Monkey Dot (Download)
- Final Frown
- Hyuk-Soo
- I, Thing
- Not What You Know
- (Goodbye) Homer
- Binary
Roland CS-10EM -> Roland R-07 -> iZotope Ozone 11

Source: bskiproductions
Very impressed. They've got an ATDI-like energy that you just can't not love, especially there in the room with them. Pathet Djera got offered to open for them February next year, so I'm looking very forward to that, if all goes well. The as-of-yet unreleased closer "Binary" is a real highlight, just great stuff. Wish I wasn't busy on the 23rd, would've definitely seen their gig and grabbed a CD. Looking forward to an LP, whenever that happens. Watch bski's (partial) footage here (truncated from an over-extended dinner run).
Pictures With Yuki (Download)
- Unknown
- Unknown
- nudger
- marital:4d
- Unknown
- Unknown
Roland CS-10EM -> Roland R-07 -> iZotope Ozone 11

Source: @pictureswithyuki
Really fantastic set - my first time catching them electric. Well worth the wait. I fucking love marital:4d - fully captures me, despite the fact I'm not a shoegaze / noise pop person. So far it's on track to be one of the favourite songs of the decade, and that's really tough work when you've got Some Escape to go up against...
Can't wait to hear these songs when they get propely recorded. I got to talk to Hamish briefly the night after and heard that there have been old recordings hanging in limbo for a while (maybe not the most promising news) so we'll just have to wait and see. Wait I will, however long it takes. Interesting they didn't / don't play yuki ruined my life anymore, even though they just released a new version of it. Watch bski's footage here.
Mr. Industry (Download)
- Greenroom Sleeper
- Unknown
- Cokies
- Birdie
- Grow Kit
- Sixgrand
- Dancing to My Own Internal Rhythm
Roland CS-10EM -> Roland R-07 -> iZotope Ozone 11

Source: bskiproductions
Instant fan. They blew me away - fantastic musicianship, energy, stage presence (their Bob Nastanovich-esque keyboardist / tambourinist especially), their vision was just so clear. They didn't play any of their singles from last year, which is fair enough - these new tracks are just so much better. Massive potential from these guys, I wouldn't be surprised if they drop next year's top record. Watch bski's footage here.