2024 / 11 / 02
Pictures With Yuki (Download)
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- nudger
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- marital:4d
Roland CS-10EM -> Roland R-07 -> iZotope Ozone 11

Source: @samkustani
An ostensibly acoustic show (aided by electric guitar and electric bass, of course), this was my first time seeing the band, and it was certainly not a bad one. I'm not going to fetishise the "intimacy" of the acoustic form, nor reject it reflexively - I was a lucky tabula rasa (thanks Bryan) who just got to enjoy a good show. And I was an instant marital:4d fan from the moment I heard that bass - so good I had to complement the guy afterwards. Footage by bski here.
Beanledwarf (Download)
- Unknown
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Roland CS-10EM -> Roland R-07 -> iZotope Ozone 11

Source: bskiproductions
Tender, gentle, jazzy, and effortlessly funny - for one night only, Beanledwarf delivered what I found to be a strangely touching show. Something about the finality of it all - after the final Some Escape show, the first and final Beanledwarf set, then the final month of Marko's apartment..
I'd only known these people for brief moments, flickers, an evening months ago, a day weeks ago, and now a few more hours, and it started to set in how much I've been missing. I've had my head in the sand far too long, and it took Beanledwarf to finally realise that. Goddamn it. Better late than never. And on its own merit, regardless of emotional investment, if you can ever take an "objective" stance, this is damn good stuff. A damn shame it's one and done - track 2 is like a Valium Aggelein outtake. I hop Ty's music career doesn't end with his bass here, cool guy. Some meek chats with Cody about starting a Sprain-core band, fingers firmly crossed. I hope Marko makes it to KEXP like he offhandedly speculated. Watch the footage on bski here. If you're wondering where any chuckling is coming from, cross-reference with the footage - maybe the show is best experienced audio-visually.
"We just wanna eat hotdog sketti
And chill all day"